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Meet Delaney McLaughlin

I am a graduate of the University of Georgia with my MFA in Theatrical Design from the Department of Theatre & Film Studies and I am currently an Assistant Professor at Washington and Lee University.


I firmly believe that lighting is a tremendous world-building tool and that it has the ability to shape not only our concept of theater but our day-to-day lives as well. I take this belief along with me on every job I pursue so I may take the audience away from wherever their present location is and whisk them away into the world of the show. I am currently interested in research surrounding the instinctual human perception of visual and non-visual stimuli and how this can be used as a tool in theatrical design to influence audiences.


I have had experience serving as a lighting designer, a head electrician, an assistant lighting designer, a light board operator, a stage manager, an assistant stage manager, and a stagehand at venues such as The Koger Center and The Colonial Life Arena in Columbia, South Carolina.


My teaching experience includes:

-Visiting Assistant Professor at Washington and Lee University where I taught classes such as Lighting Design, Production and Stage Management, Introduction to Entertainment Technologies, as well as a course I created called The Psychology of Design

-Graduate assistant at the University of Georgia where I was a teaching assistant in The Foundations of Performance Design course as well as a teaching assistant in the scenic and lighting shops


In addition to lighting, I have experience in:

-Various industry standard software pertaining to scenic and lighting design

-Scenic Design

-Scenic Carpentry

-Scenic Painting

- Stage Management


-Stage Makeup

-Costume History

-History of Architecture and Decorum


Thank you all for dropping by!

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